New York

April 13, 2022

Over the past weeks, the level of violence in the world has been even more than what is normally not acceptable.  Ukraine, of course, tops the list.  The endless war in Yemen is always there and far too underreported as well.   The violence on the streets where I am with shootings and knifings and the predicted spiraling seems to be picking up again. 

New York has seen a dramatic increase in violence over the past year.  We all have theories as to why this is happening, and I will not weigh in on this one, for I am far too ignorant to fully understand what is going on and why this is happening.  What I do know, is that someone with deep hate in his heart chose to throw a smoke bomb and then randomly begin to shoot at those going to work early in the morning yesterday.  Some people seem surprised that we have such violence going on in NYC or in this world, but this is always going on and has always been going on.  However, when you strike in a major city, it gets turned into the tragedy it really is by the media while other similar incidents make it to page three and perhaps ten seconds on the local news if at all.  

Has man changed?  I don't think so, but then again I am not a sociologist or a psychologist.  It seems to me from ancient times, that we found war to be an acceptable endeavor to assure that we get our way.   Great empires were built on the blood of others.  Man has always justified his fanatic desire and ability to kill scores of others, and we continue to see this today.   To even think that this can be stopped is just foolish and a waste of our time.   All we can do is support those whose job it is to protect our societies.  All we can do is try to live a good and just life and endeavor to help others.  My New York abstract is the distorted reality of a beautiful building mishappen by light patterns and lens distortion. 

New York AbstractNew York AbstractColor, shape and pattern in this NYC building.   

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