Odem and Mountain Bike Riding

August 19, 2020

We are in Odem in the Golan Heights for the second time this summer.  It is cool here at night.  Cooler than most areas during the day in Israel at this time of year.  Today I completed a mountain bike ride I began yesterday and then found myself doing much of what I did yesterday again.  Strange.   I found so many images that I have stored in my head for another time, another season, and will come back again now to pursue these images in the next few years.   I was surprised with how I could still climb.   Near El Rom the concussive sounds of tank shells and the persistent machine-gun fire caused me to pause and think about where I was and what the history of this part of the world means to Israelis and Syrians.  We have battled hard against each other.  Our fear and our hate are never-ending.   But I was mountain biking and there were miles to go and hills to climb and a little extra time in the hills where the Druse farm so beautifully.  Yet this extra time and the missing piece to this trail was puzzling.  Perhaps I missed a turn or the trail was just different than I had thought it was.   


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